Tertiary Wastewater Treatment with UV-lamp disinfection

Tertiary Watewater Treatment UV-lamp disinfection
Tertiary Wastewater Treatment with UV-lamp disinfection 1

interested in this type of septic system installation?

Let one of our experts in System O)) septic systems advise you.

Your choice of a septic system is limited because your site requires disinfection?

Here's your solution

Tertiary Wastewater Treatment with UV-lamp disinfection 1

Discover the System O)) tertiary wastewater treatment solution with UV lamp for projects in or near environmentally sensitive zones.

Systemo Septic Wastewater System Installation

UV Lamp to finish the job

A System O)) installation in a waterproof membrane with a UV lamp at the discharge location ensures a level of pathogens so low that it is practically undetectable.

This amazing performance is thanks to the clarity of the run-off from the Advanced Enviro))Septic technology after barely 6 months of use. 

With such clear water, the lamp’s ultraviolet rays can better reflect and eliminate fecal coliforms.



All our wastewater treatment solutions are eco-friendly and safe for the environment, as demonstrated during benchmarking tests around the world.


Worry-free septic solutions that have no moving parts, no build-up or clogs, and that do not require power or filtering media replacement!


The technology exists since 1987; septic systems installed over 30 years ago are still functional, in perfect condition and treating wastewater just as efficiently as the day they were put in.

wastewater treatment field

Septic System Benefits


Affordable at time of purchase, and annual monitoring costs are reasonable when compared to other systems


Benchmarking test results allow discharge to a ditch or a waterway


The technology at the heart of the system has a 20-year manufacturer’s warranty

Tertiary Wastewater Treatment with UV-lamp disinfection 3


Onsite Residential Wastewater Treatment Technologies, standard applied in Canada and managed by the BNQ (Bureau de normalisation du Québec – Quebec Standards Agency);

Standalone Wastewater Treatment Systems for Isolated Isolated dwellings, standard applied in the province of Québec, in Canada and managed by the BNQ (Bureau de normalisation du Québec – Quebec Standards Agency)

Residential Onsite Systems, standard applied in the U.S.A. and managed by the National Sanitation Foundation;